
How to Create FTP in XAMPP

How to Create FTP in XAMPP

How to Create FTP in XAMPP. In the previous article, we taught you how to install xampp in Windows 10. In this article, we will teach you how to create FTP in XAMPP. Please be with us.

As explained in the previous tutorial, Xampp is a free software that has the ability to set up a local web server on your Windows. To set up FTP in xampp, just follow a few simple steps to set up ftp on your Windows or your Windows VPS Server.


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Learn how to Create FTP in XAMPP

1. Open the xampp software.

2. Click on the Start option next to filezilla to run the service.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP

Recommended Article: Tutorial add FTP Site on Windows Server 2019

Note: After running the ftp service correctly, the ports are written next to the service name.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


If you want the ftp service to run automatically after each Windows reboot, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the config option.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


2. In the window that opens, select the filezilla service and click save.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


This is how easy it is for you to set up an ftp service by xampp.

Next, go to the ftp settings so that it can be used without any problems.


FTP Service settings in XAMPP Software

1. Click on the admin option in front of the filezilla name.

2. Choose a password for your admin user. (You can leave the password blank.)


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


3. Then click on ok.

4. In the page that opens, select the Users option from the edit menu.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


5. On the right side of the page, click on add and enter the name of the user to connect to ftp.

Note: In this tutorial, we entered the username Michael.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


6. After adding the username in the General section, enter its password.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


7. Now click on share folder from the left side of the page.

8. Click on the add option.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


9. Select the desired folder for ftp space.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


10. Finally, specify the permissions for ftp.


How to Create FTP in XAMPP


11. Click OK at the end.

This is where ftp settings come in, and you can connect to ftp with software like filezilla.


Also, see:

How to configure XAMPP on Windows 10

Learn how to setup VPS in Windows 10 using XAMPP

How to update PHP version in XAMPP

Recommended Article: How to Create FTP in XAMPP

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