Are you looking for a functional tool to crack passwords on Kali Linux? In this article, we will introduce Fcrackzip, which is a fast password cracking tool. Let’s learn Crack wifi Password Using Fcrackzip on Kali Linux. If you want to buy Linux VPS server, checkout the offered packages on Eldernode website.
Table of Contents
How to Crack wifi Password Using Fcrackzip
Fcrackzip is an open source tool used to decrypt wireless networks passwords. In this tutorial, we will show you how to crack WPA/WPA Passwords using fcrackzip on kali linux.
What is Fcrackzip?
Fcrackzip is an open source tool used to recover wireless network passwords. It supports both WEP and WPA encryption schemes. Fcrackzip is a password cracking tool partially written in assembler. This tool searches zip file for encrypted files and tries to guess the password. This method is based on brute force or dictionary-based attacks and tests the results with unzip. You also can crack cpmask’ed images with Fcrackzip.
In the continuation of this article from the Kali Linux training series, we intend to teach you How to Install Fcrackzip on Kali Linux.
How to Install Fcrackzip on Kali Linux
First update system packages with the following command:
sudo apt update
Then you can install Fcrackzip on Kali Linux using the command below:
sudo apt install fcrackzip
How to Run Fcrackzip on Kali Linux
After installation, use the following command to run different tools of Fcrackzip:
fcrackzip --help
To use brute force algorithm, run the following commands:
fcrackzip -b
fcrackzip --brute-force
You can use a dictionary running the commands below:
fcrackzip -D
fcrackzip --dictionary
Run the following commands to execute a small benchmark:
fcrackzip -B
fcrackzip --benchmark
To use characters from charset, run the following commands:
fcrackzip -c
fcrackzip --charset characterset
To show the version of program use the following command:
fcrackzip --version
To check sanity of the algorithm, run the commands below:
fcrackzip -V
fcrackzip --validate
To be more verbose, use the following commands:
fcrackzip -v
fcrackzip --verbose
You can use string as initial password/file by running the commands below:
fcrackzip -p
fcrackzip --init-password-string
Run the following commands to check password with length min to max:
fcrackzip -l
fcrackzip --length min-max
You can use unzip to weed out wrong passwords by running the commands below:
fcrackzip -u
fcrackzip --use-unzip
Use method number num with the following commands:
fcrackzip -m
fcrackzip --method num
Run the commands below to calculate 1/m of the password:
fcrackzip -2
fcrackzip --modulo r/m
In this article, you got acquainted with Fcrackzip, which is one of the fast cracking tools. Also you learned how to Install and WPA/WPA2 WiFi password using Fcrackzip on Kali Linux and finally we reviewed different tools of Fcrackzip and how to run them on Kali Linux.