
How to Copy a File on a Nano Server with PowerShell

How to Copy a File on a Nano Server with PowerShell

How to Copy a File on a Nano Server with PowerShell. As you know, Nano Server has no communication path except PowerShell Direct. In the previous articles, we explained how to connect to a Nano Server. Now you may ask how can a file be sent to a nano server? Or how to copy the required files to the Nano Server?

From the series of Nano Server tutorials, in this article, we will teach you how to copy a file on a Nano Server with PowerShell.

It may seem at first that uploading a file to a site and downloading it with PowerShell will solve this issue. Yes that’s right. This is a simple and of course Linux way. When connecting to SSH Linux, you will not be able to send the file directly, but in PowerShell it is possible to copy a file from the host to the destination server, which is the nano server.

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Copy the file to the Nano Server with PowerShell

First, enter the information needed for the connection or the session in a variable as shown below:

$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential administrator


In the above command, $session is our variable name and will be the IP address of the Nano Server.

Finally, we have entered the name Administrator as a username.

After entering the above command, enter the following command to copy the file:


Copy-Item C:\VMs\NanoServer\* -Destination c:\files\Nano -recurse -ToSession $session -Verbose


After entering the above command you will copy a file named Michael.txt from C:\VMs\Nanoserver to C:\files\Nano.


Note 1: If you are asked for a password, enter your Nano Server password after entering the above command.

Note 2: The address entered in the nano server that is entered in the Destination section must be pre-created.

You have simply copied the file you want to your nano server.


Also, see:

How to Install Nano Server

How to add a Package of Roles to the Nano Server


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