
Tutorial Setup and run XFCE Desktop on AlmaLinux 8.4

Richard 5 Min Read
Tutorial Setup and run XFCE Desktop on AlmaLinux 8.4

Linux leaves users free to choose their Desktop Environment, and unlike competing operating systems such as Windows, Linux users can choose from a variety of desktop options. XFCE Desktop Environment is one of the Linux desktop environments. In this article, we are going to teach you how to Setup and run XFCE Desktop on AlmaLinux 8.4. You can visit the packages available in Eldernode if you wish to purchase a Linux VPS server.

How to Setup and run XFCE Desktop on AlmaLinux step by step

Install XFCE Desktop on AlmaLinux 8.4

Before installing the XFCE Desktop Environment, you need to install the EPEL repository. EPEL is a repository that provides high-quality software packages for RHEL distributions. To do this, just run the following command:

sudo dnf install epel-release

Now, you can enter the following command to confirm the presence of the EPEL repository:

rpm -qi epel-release

Next, you should enable the EPEL group using the following command:

sudo dnf --enablerepo=epel group

In this step, you can install the XFCE package and confirm that the XFCE package group is provided by the EPEL repository. To do this, run the following command:

sudo dnf group list | grep -i xfce

Once the XFCE package is available, you can install the XFCE package. The following command installs all the XFCE group and module packages and other dependencies:

sudo dnf groupinstall "Xfce" "base-x"

Now you should set XFCE by running the following command to start automatically on boot time:

sudo echo "exec /usr/bin/xfce4-session" >> ~/.xinitrc
sudo systemctl set-default graphical

Then you need to reboot the system by entering the following command:

sudo reboot

How to Run XFCE Desktop on AlmaLinux 8.4

Note that if Gnome is already installed on the device, you should click on the small gear wheel icon and select the “Xfce session” option.

Now you can click on “Sign In” or enter your password and then press Enter to log in.



This article taught you how to install XFCE Desktop on AlmaLinux 8.4. The XFCE desktop is quite simple and doesn’t offer attractive features. I hope you can easily install XFCE Desktop on AlmaLinux 8.4.

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