
How to Repair Windows with the DISM Command

how to Repair Windows with the DISM Command

How to Repair Windows with the DISM Command. It has probably happened to you that after working with Windows Server or Windows Client 10 for a while, you will encounter strange errors and warnings.

Many of these errors are related to the corruption of a simple file in Windows. However, the performance of your service and Windows will be affected and may bother you enough to replace and reinstall Windows.

In this tutorial, we want to introduce you to a specialized and complete solution so that you can easily solve your Windows problems.

The DISM command, or Deployment Image Servicing and Management, is a command for optimizing and customizing Windows. In addition to this application, this command has the ability to repair Windows.

In pre-Windows 10, the SFC command was more useful, but with the introduction of the Windows 10 family, the command did not work as well as before. That’s why Microsoft has proposed the DISM command.

We will discuss how to work with the DISM command and also how to repair Windows with the DISM command.


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Windows Repair Tutorial with DISM command

1. First, open a PowerShell or CMD terminal with Administrator access.

2. The first step in repairing anything is to troubleshoot that system.

You can enter the DISM command with the CheckHealth parameter to troubleshoot Windows first.

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth


The above command prompts DISM to instantly check the status of Windows errors and find corrupted files.

After entering this command, DISM will go to the Error logs and start searching among them.

Another parameter that you can use to troubleshoot your Windows is the Scanhealth parameter.

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /Scanhealth


This parameter does not only search for log files and will start checking all Windows files on its own. This parameter will also find any errors related to Windows.

Note 1: Due to checking each Windows file, the operation of this command may take between 10 and 15 minutes.


3. Well, by this point you have managed to check the health status of your Windows. Here’s how to troubleshoot and repair Windows.

To fix Windows problems with the DISM command, there is a parameter called Restorehealth, which is entered as follows:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth


After entering the above command, Windows starts the recovery and replaces the corrupted files with healthy files.

Note 2: The DISM command will start downloading the required files using the Windows Update service. If you have disabled the Windows Update service or the Internet is not available, this operation will fail.

Note 3: Depending on the size and number of corrupted files, this operation may be time consuming and sometimes stop at a certain percentage in the progress bar. If for any reason the DISM command crashes, the system will not hang on to a specific number and will show you an error.

Now we are going to help you source the required DISM files from a local source instead of the Internet so that if you do not have Internet access, you can use another source.


Change the source of the DISM command from the Internet to media

The DISM command has a feature that can find files from various sources and perform Windows repair work on it. Sources such as DVD, flash or even Windows ISO file can be read for DISM.

The Source parameter is used to change or add another source to the DISM command.

Thus, if you want to enter the DISM command with the RestoreHealth parameter and read the information from a specific source, the command will look like this:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth /Source:G:\Sources\install.esd


To specify the source, you must enter the URL of the file Install.esd or or Install.wsm which are the main Windows installation file.

There will generally be one of three files in each media.

To recover corrupted files in Windows from a local source, your version of Windows must be exactly the same as the media version. For example, if your Windows is Pro version 1703, your media should have the same version installed.

By entering the above command, you will be able to introduce a specific source to the DISM command.

If you want the DISM command to use only the source mentioned, you need to enter the limitaccess parameter at the end of your commands:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth /Source:G:\Sources\install.esd /Limitaccess



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