
How to Manage Files And Folders In PowerShell

How to Manage Files And Folders In PowerShell

In this article from the PowerShell tutorial series, we will teach you how to manage files and folders in PowerShell. By using Windows PowerShell, you can manage files and folders on your computer. It is very helpful for Windows System Admins who frequently work with the file systems to perform tasks. These tasks include create, copy, rename, and delete files and folders.

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1. List all files in one folder

You can use the Get-ChildItem command to list all items in a folder. Consider the following example:

 PS C:\ > Get-ChildItem -Force C:\  


manage files and folders in powershell-0


2. List all items, including hidden files and services

Using the following command, all files are placed in a folder:

 PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Force C:\ -Recurse  


manage files and folders in powershell-1


3. Create Folders

You can create new folders in PowerShell using the following command. To Create a folder, specify the -ItemType as directory.

Note that in the following command, I specified my folder location as C: \Rakesh\New Folder.

 PS C:\> New-Item -Path ‘C:\Rakesh\New Folder’ -ItemType “directory”  


manage files and folders in powershell-2


4. Create an empty text file

Use the following command to create an empty text file:

 PS C:\> New-Item -Path ‘C:\Rakesh\New Folder    \file.txt’ -ItemType “file”  

You must specify the -ItemType as file to create an empty file. If you want to create a folder, then the -ItemType should be directory.


manage files and folders in powershell-3


5. Copy File and Folders

To copy a file from one location to another, you must specify the source and destination as instructed below.

 PS C:\> Copy-Item -Path C:\Rakesh -Destination C:\Vemulawada  


manage files and folders in powershell-4

6. Rename a file or folder

To rename a file or folder, use the following command:

 PS C:\> Remove-Item C:\file3 File4.txt  

In this example, the file3 name is changed to file4.


manage files and folders in powershell-5


7. Delete File or Folder

Using the following command, you can specify the path of the item you want to delete so that you can delete it.

 PS C:\> Remove-Item C:\Rakesh  


manage files and folders in powershell-6


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