
How to Install Chatwoot on Debian 12

Richard 11 Min Read
How to Install Chatwoot on Debian 12

This article will show you the procedure of installing Chatwoot on ensuring efficient communication with visitors on your website. With Chatwoot, managing conversations will be easy as it thourghs chat live, email and other social networking services.

The use of Chatwoot will enable you to meet your customers’ needs excellently, enhance their relations and most certainly improve your business performance. So let’s move on with the installation of Chatwoot on Debian 12.

Prerequisites for installing Chatwoot on Debian 12

A minimum of 2 GB of RAM; however, 4 GB or more is preferred.

2 or more CPUs

A minimum of 10GB of available disk space to install and run Chatwoot and its dependencies.

Recommended Service: Linux VPS

Step 1: Update Your System

Before getting started, ensure that your Debian 12 system is fully updated by issuing the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Before setting up Chatwoot, a few dependencies must be installed first. To install these dependencies, please execute the following command:

sudo apt install git curl wget unzip build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev

Step 3: Install Node.js

In order for Chatwoot to function, Node.js must be present. The NodeSource repository can be used to install Node.js. You may add the repository and install the Node.js package using the commands below:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs

Step 4: Install Ruby and Rails

Ruby on Rails is the framework used to develop Chatwoot, which means you have to install Ruby and Rails on your machine. To install Ruby and Rails, please execute the following commands:

sudo apt install -y ruby-full ruby-dev build-essential
sudo gem install bundler

Step 5: Install PostgreSQL

Let me also mention that Chatwoot uses PostgreSQL as its database. Run the command below to install postgresql:

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Step 6: Download and Configure Chatwoot

Now that the installation of all dependencies has been completed, you can download and configure Chatwoot.

Clone the chatwoot repository and create a configuration file for the repository using the following commands.

git clone
cd chatwoot
cp config/application.yml.example config/application.yml

In this step, we will install the required packages for Chatwoot. Run the following commands:

bundle install
yarn install

Select the applicable database options for your system and set them as active schemes:

bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load

Proceed with the following command to begin the Chatwoot server:

bundle exec rails s

To configure Chatwoot, simply enter into a web address “http://localhost:3000” on a web browser. Immediately an account setup wizard will be displayed prompting the user to create their account to then enable Chatwoot for customer communication.

Troubleshooting common installation issues

The database connectivity is one of the most common challenges when dealing with Gluu. It is advisable to look for problems first when you get the notification that the database is unreachable. Checking the status of the PostgreSQL service is important.

sudo systemctl status postgresql

If it’s not running, you can start it by typing

sudo systemctl start postgresql

Also, make sure that the credentials contained in your .env file are valid for the PostgreSQL user that you created.

Another problem that happens quite often is about the Node.js and npm dependencies, mistyping their installation, for example, npm install or others. Delete any other incorrect versions of Node.js you may have installed. Perspective: Run npm install and other commands targeting ‘build-essential’ compilation tools with administrator privileges if you need them, so to say.

sudo apt install -y build-essential
Recommended Article: How to Install Wiki.js with PostgreSQL on Debian 10


You have Chatwoot installed on Debian 12 environment without any issues.

Setting Chatwoot on Debian 12 is a simple procedure with only a few steps involved. Chatwoot will assist you in setting up the installation method with ease, and you’ll be ready to start communicating with your customers positively. With the integration of Chatwoot, you will be enhancing the level of support, managing customers’ relations activities better and most importantly high business growth.

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Eldernode Writer
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