
How To Install And Use Yersinia On Kali Linux

How To Install And Use Yersinia On Kali Linux

Sometimes you just need an assistant to tell you what are your weaknesses, and how you should react to them. Yersinia is what you need to use the weaknesses in different network protocols. Since network administrations do not usually monitor the LAN unless receiving a problem report, attack occurrence is not surprising and several attacks on Layer 2 protocols could happen (Layer 2 is the second layer of the network, the second layer of OSI protocol). So, you can use Yersinia as a framework for performing layer 2 attacks, analyzes, and tests the deployed network and systems. While it consists of various layer 2 attacks exploiting the weaknesses of different layer-2 protocols, a pentester identifies the vulnerabilities in deep layer 2 of the network which is located in the data link layer like STP and CDP. Join us with this article to learn How To Install And Use Yersinia On Kali Linux. Do not miss the special offers of Eldernode Coupons and buy your own Linux VPS.

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Tutorial Install And Use Yersinia On Kali Linux

Yersinia is written in C language and is under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. It is designed to be used for penetration testing and attacks on layer-2 devices such as switches, DHCP servers spanning tree protocols, and so on. Using its GUI, Yersinia is able to make Denial Of Service (DOS) attacks on DHCP simple and easy. Attacks are implemented for some network protocols such as:

  1. Spanning Tree Protocol
  2. Cisco Discovery Protocol
  3. Dynamic Trunking Protocol
  4. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  5. Host Standby Router Protocol
  6. 802.1q
  7. 802.1x
  8. Inter-Switch Link Protocol
  9. VLAN Trunking Protocol

Yersinia Options:

-h, --help [Help screen.]
-V, --Version [Program version.]
-G [Start a graphical GTK session.]
-I, --interactive [Start an interactive ncurses session.]
-D, --daemon [Start the network listener for remote admin (Cisco CLI emulation).]
-d [Enable debug messages.]
-l logfile [Save the current session to the file logfile. If logfile exists, the data will be appended at the end.]
-c  conffile [Read/write configuration variables from/to conffile.]
-M [Disable MAC spoofing.]


The GTK GUI (-G) is a GTK graphical interface with all of the yersinia powerful features and a professional 'look and feel'.  


The ncurses GUI (-I) is a ncurses (or curses) based console where the user can take advantage of yersinia powerful features.  Press 'h' to display the Help Screen


The  Network Daemon (-D) is a telnet based server (ala Cisco mode) that listens by default in port 12000/tcp waiting for incoming  telnet  connections. It supports  a  CLI  similar  to  a  Cisco device where the user (once authenticated) can display different settings and  can  launch  attacks without  having yersinia  running in her own machine (especially useful Windows users).  
Recommended Article: How To Install And Use Yersinia On Kali Linux

Install Yersinia On Kali Linux

By default, Yersinia is not available in Kali 2020. It is available in two versions, Terminal and Graphical. However, it is possible to install this tool by a single command and you do not need to pass several steps to do this. Use the command below to install it on Kali.

sudo apt-get install yersinia

Now, you installed yersinia and any packages it needs.

To install the dependencies, type:

sudo apt-get install

Also, you can use its graphical version by typing:

yersinia -G

Yersinia Usage Example

Yersinia Usage Example

How to uninstall Yersinia

In case you need to remove yersinia, you should just run the following command:

sudo apt-get remove yersinia

In this way, you will remove just the yersinia packages.

But if you need to uninstall yersinia and its dependencies, type the command below:

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove yersinia

Certainly, by executing the above command, you will remove the package of yersinia and all other dependant packages.

How to purge the configuration of data

You can also delete the local/configured files. Use the command below to do this.

sudo apt-get purge yersinia


sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove yersinia

Note: Above all, please be aware that you cannot restore the purged config/data if you reinstall the package.



In this article, you learned How To Install And Use Yersinia On Kali Linux. From now on you can use the coolest layer 2 hacking tool. Start disguising packets of multiple protocols with this intrusion tool. Yersinia helps the pentester to check the power of layer-2 protocols configuration. In case you are interested to read more, find our related articles on How To Configure BeEF On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

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Marilyn Bisson
Content Writer
Eldernode Writer
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