
How to Install and Use Metagoofil on Kali Linux

How to Install and Use Metagoofil on Kali Linux

Intrusion testing tools can be very useful in hacking and security tests. That’s why you need to be familiar with them so that you can get the desired result. Metagoofil is a tool for gathering information to find important files on websites through the Google search engine. Through this tool, you can find and download Excel, Word, PDF, etc. files of your target sites. In this article, we are going to teach you How to Install and Use Metagoofil on Kali Linux. You can see the packages available in Eldernode if you want to buy a Linux VPS server.

Tutorial Install and Use Metagoofil on Kali Linux

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Introduction to Metagoofil

Many websites store documents, images, audio, etc., or put them for users to use, or want to sell a file. These files can be extracted using the Metagoofil tool. To do this, you can define different types of restrictions when searching so that you can get the desired result in the fastest time.

The files that Metagoofil can extract are with the extensions pdf, doc, Xls, ppt, ODP, ods, Docx, dxlsx, and pptx.

This information can be useful because you can get and use valid usernames, people’s names for use in brute-force password attacks (VPN, FTP, web apps). The tool also extracts “paths” of documents, where you can get shared resource names, server names, and more.

Install  Metagoofil on Kali Linux

In this section, we are going to show you how to install Metagoofil on Kali Linux. To do this, just follow the steps below.

If you are using the latest version of Kali Linux, Metagoofil may not be available. Therefore, you must install it using the following commands to search for sensitive data of any organization:

apt-get update
apt-get install metagoofil

After installation, just run the following command in the Linux terminal to run the tool:


Note: You need Python version 2 to run this tool. After downloading the tool, enter the desired folder and run it with the following command:

python metagoofil

Note that this tool does not have a graphical version.

How to Use Metagoofil on Kali Linux

You can use the -h switch as follows to view the tool switches guide:

metagoofil -h

You can also work with the tool with the following commands:

-d: domain to search

-t: filetype to download (pdf, doc, Xls, ppt, ODP, ods, Docx, xlsx, pptx)

-l: limit of results to search (default 200)

-h: work with documents in the directory (use “yes” for local analysis)

-n: limit of files to download

-o: working directory (location to save downloaded files)

-f: output file

To learn how to work with this tool, pay attention to the following command:

metagoofil -d -t xlsx -l 50 -n 25 -o /home

You can see how to use this tool by looking at the following examples:

Example 1: -d -t doc,pdf -l 200 -n 50 -o applefiles -f results.html

Example 2: -h yes -o applefiles -f results.html (local dir analysis)
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Working with the Metagoofil tool is very simple and easy to use. This tool is installed by default on Kali Linux and can be found in the OSINT tool category. In this article, we tried to teach you How to Install and Use Metagoofil on Kali Linux with examples.

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