
How To Install aaPanel On Linux Server

How To Install aaPanel On Linux Server

Previously, you have been familiar with aaPanel. The simple but powerful hosting control panel. In this article, you will learn How To Install aaPanel On Linux Server. While aaPanle supports Linux distributions, installing on CentOS is recommended because aaPanel is developed based on CentOS. So, prepare your own Linux VPS to start this guide with no delay. In the end, you have learned the installation of both Ubuntu and CentOS. Some users often complain of the lot space aapanel occupies, but others prefer to install this perfect hosting control panel even by allocating this space.

Tutorial Install aaPanel On Linux Server

To let this tutorial work better, please consider the below Prerequisites:

Memory: 512M or more, 768 or more. About 60M for Pure panel

Hard disk: 100M or more free hard disk space. About 20M for Pure panel

System: CentOS 7.1 or higher, Ubuntu 6.4 or higher

Note: You must prepare a clean operating system. There should not be an environment such as Apache, Nginx, PHP, and MySQL installed already.

A non-root user with sudo privileges.

To set up, follow our Initial server setup on Ubuntu 20.04 & Initial set up Centos 8.

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How To Install aapanel On Ubuntu And CentOS

While aapanle is known as a one-click function, you will install that on your OS by running only one single command-line. But as always, let’s start with updating your current OS installation:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y

How to install aaPanle on Ubuntu:

wget -O && sudo bash

Note 1: Installing aaPanel on Deepin is the same as on Ubuntu.

Note 2: You will be asked if you want to install aaPanel to the/www directory now? (Y/N): “, please type a letter:


And press enter.

Next, run the command below to download the installation script of aaPanel.

wget -O

Note: You will be asked if you need to enable the panel SSl? (yes/n): n


How to install aaPanle on CentOS:

You can use curl, but we are going to use wget. So, to install wget run the command below:

sudo yum install wget

And then, use the following command to install aaPanel on CentOS :

yum install -y wget && wget -O && bash

While you are login in with root privileges as you were asked in the Prerequisites part, you can run the experimental Centos/Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora installation command which supports ipv6.

curl -sSO && bash

Again to download the installation script of aaPanel, run the command below:

wget -O

The home page would display as below:

Linux home page environment

Recommended Article: How To Install aaPanel On Linux Server

Once you finish the installation, you will get a login link. find the username and password there and use them to get in to control panel.

Log in to control panel

While login in for the first time on the Dashboard, you will be asked to set up between LNMP (Nginx, MySQL, PHP, Pure-Ftpd, and PHPMyAdmin) or LAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP, Pure-Ftpd, and phpMyAdmin).

Dashboard web control panel - How To Install aaPanel On Linux

Choose your considered webserver environment and click to install. It could be installed later from the app section of this Linux panel.

Set up between LNMP & LAMP

Installing one of these environments may take an hour. Then you are ready to use aaPanle on your preferred OS.

In case you want to install aaPanle on your remote server, you will be able to access it and manage your server clusters.

To stop:

service bt stop

To start:

service bt start

And to restart:

service bt restart


How to uninstall aapanel web control panel

Any time you decided to remove your server control panel, you should run the command below to remove the installation:

sudo service bt stop && chkconfig --del bt && rm -f /etc/init.d/bt && rm -rf /www/server/panel

If the above command did not work, use the following command:

sudo bt stop &&sudo update-rc.d -f bt remove &&sudo rm -f /etc/init.d/bt &&sudo rm -rf /www/server/panel



In this article, you learned How To Install aaPanel On Linux Server. You learned how to install this free hosting control panel on two OS of Linux. Start managing your host and enjoy its free features. Users are using this tool instead of Cpanel and have reported positively for this alternative.

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Tom Veitch
Eldernode Writer
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