
How to install FTP Server on windows server 2019

How to install FTP Server on windows server 2019

How to install FTP Server on windows server 2019. FTP protocol is one of the network and TCP / IP protocols. This protocol is used to transfer information and files or make changes to them on the network between two systems.

The FTP protocol is not used directly on the IIS web server and Windows server. If you have a series of special features on your Windows server, you can install FTP on the server. In this article, we will teach you how to install FTP Server on Windows Server 2019.

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Tutorial install FTP Server on windows server 2019

1. In the first step, press the Windows button and search for Server Manager. Then click Add Roles and Features.


install ftp server on windows server 2019


install ftp server on windows server 2019

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2. On the Add Roles and Features Wizard page, click OK.


install ftp server on windows server 2019


3. The next page is Installation type, where you have to select the Role-based or feature-based-installation option and click Next.


install ftp server on windows server 2019


4. Select the server you will install NFS on and click Next.

install ftp server on windows server 2019
5. On the Server Roles page, Select Web Server (IIS) checkbox and click on Add Features in the pop-up that will come up as shown below. Then click Next.
install ftp server on windows server 2019
install ftp server on windows server 2019
install ftp server on windows server 2019


6. In the Select Features stage simply click on Nextand click on Nextagain in the Web Server Role (IIS) stage as well.


install ftp server on windows server 2019


install ftp server on windows server 2019


7. On the Role Services page select File Serverone and hit Next.  Then click on Installand wait for your server to finish up installing.


install ftp server on windows server 2019


8. Finally, click on install.


install ftp server on windows server 2019


In the following articles, we will teach you how to configure FTP Server on Windows server 2019 . Follow Eldernode.

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