
How to Install and Use Hashdeep on Kali Linux


One of the tools related to inspection and legal investigations is Hashdeep. This tool calculates hash digests with different algorithms. In this article, you will get acquainted with Hashdeep and then you will learn How to Install and Use Hashdeep on Kali Linux. You can check out Linux VPS services on the Eldernode website, if you want to purchase them.

Tutorial Install and Use Hashdeep on Kali Linux

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Introduction to Hashdeep

Hashdeep is a set of tools for calculating MD5, SHA1, SHA256, tiger and whirlpool hashsums that can calculate hash returns with multiple algorithms simultaneously. It can also perform matching operations in a powerful way like programs from the md5deep family.

Features of Hashdeep

– Compare hashes with a list of known hashes.

– Ability of tools to display items that match the list or items that do not match.

– Showing estimated time when processing large files.

– Chunk hashing capability (input files in blocks of arbitrary size).

– Ability to be used in forensic investigations.

Installing Hashdeep on Kali Linux

In the continuation of this article, we will introduce three ways to install Hashdeep on Kali Linux:

1–> How to Install Hashdeep using apt-get

2–> How to Install Hashdeep using apt

3–> How to Install Hashdeep using aptitude

How to Install Hashdeep on Kali Linux using apt-get

First update apt database with the following command:

sudo apt-get update

Then install Hashdeep using the following command:

sudo apt-get -y install hashdeep

How to Install Hashdeep on Kali Linux using apt

Use the following command to update apt database:

sudo apt update

Then run the command below to install Hashdeep:

sudo apt -y install hashdeep

How to Install Hashdeep on Kali Linux using aptitude

First update apt database with the following command:

sudo aptitude update

Then install Hashdeep using following command:

sudo aptitude -y install hashdeep

How to Use Hashdeep Tools on Kali Linux

In the following, we will review different tools of Hashdeep.

Hashdeep calculates, compares or audits summaries of multiple messages. Run the following command to use this tool:

hashdeep -h

You can calculate and compare the MD5 message summaries by using MD5deep tool with the following command:

md5deep -h

Run the following command to calculate and compare the SHA1 message digests using the SHA1deep tool below:

sha1deep -h

Use the command below to calculate and compare the SHA256 message digests:

sha256deep -h

Calculate and compare Tiger message digests using the Tigerdeep command:

tigerdeep -h

Run the Whirlpooldeep command to calculate and compare Whirlpool message digests:

whirlpooldeep -h

How to Remove Hashdeep Configuration, Data and All of its Dependencies

You can use the following command to remove Hashdeep configuration, data and all of its dependencies:

sudo apt-get -y autoremove --purge hashdeep


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In this tutorial, we introduced Hashdeep which calculates hash digests with different algorithms and reviewed its various features. Also you learn different methods to install Hashdeep on Kali Linux.

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