
How to Configure NetBeans on Ubuntu 20.04

How to Configure NetBeans on Ubuntu 20.04

NetBeans tool is an IDE for developing Java applications. In this article, we try to learn How to Configure NetBeans on Ubuntu 20.04 step by step. You can visit the packages available in Eldernode to purchase a Linux VPS server.

Tutorial How to Install and Configure NetBeans on Ubuntu 20.04

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This application is available for a variety of popular systems such as Windows, Linux, etc., which you can easily install and setup.

Step 1) Prerequisites

First of all, install and activate the latest version of Ubuntu.
Then install and activate the Java 8 or higher version with the following command.

sudo apt install default-jdk  

Step 2) How to Install Netbeans on Ubuntu

We use the Snap package to install Netbeans IDE on the Ubuntu Linux server. To do this, open the terminal and run the following command to install Netbeans IDE.

sudo snap install netbeans --classic  

If the installation is successful, the output should be as follows:

netbeans 11.3 from Apache NetBeans* installed  
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Step 3) Running Netbeans IDE on Ubuntu

Once the installation is complete, search and open Netbeans in the Apps section. After running, you can easily run your programs on the program.

Step 4) Remove Netbeans on Ubuntu

If you don’t need Netbeans after completing your projects, you can delete it from Ubuntu with the following command.

sudo snap remove netbeans  

We hope you find this tutorial useful.



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Tom Veitch
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