
How To Install Axios With React On Ubuntu 20.04

How To Install Axios With React On Ubuntu 20.04

Learn how To Install Axios With React On Ubuntu 20.04 Linux step by step. Let’s see what is this American news website and how and why you can use it! it could be interesting for you to know that the site’s name is based on the Greek (áxios), meaning “worthy”! your time and money are worthy too. So, have a look at our best packages of Ubuntu VPS Server OS and enjoy our services.

What is Axios?

Founded in 2016 and similar to the Fetch API is used to perform HTTP requests. This lightweight HTTP client is based on the XMLHttpRequests service. Most of Axios articles are easy to scan because they are shorter than 300 words and use bullet points and are typically brief and matter-of-fact.

Tutorial How To Install Axios With React On Ubuntu 20.04

When you decide to run a dynamic project, it needs to interface with a RESTFUL API at some point, and using Axios is a simple way to do so. You can use the Axios as a library to help you make HTTP requests to external resources. In the React (Also known as React.js or ReactJS) application, you need to retrieve data from external APIs so it can be displayed on its web pages. If you have seen that people use the Javascript Fetch API to retrieve external data, but it has some limitations. So, as you know Axios is designed to handle HTTP requests and responses, which is a better and more popular way of performing this operation.

How To Install Axios with React On Ubuntu 20.04

To create and run a React app you need Node.js in your system. Find our article to install Node.js on Ubuntu 20.04.

Recommended Article: How To Install The Apache Web Server On Ubuntu 20.04

How To Add Axios To The Project

First, open your terminal and change directories into your project to add Axios to the project:

cd eldernode-tutorial

Then, to install Axios use the command below and use npm:

npm install axios

Or you can use bower:

bower install axios

And you can install it by running the yarn:

yarn add axios  

How To Remove Axios Package

To uninstall or remove a package from your node_modules, use the command below:

sudo npm uninstall axios

How To Install REACT On Ubuntu 20.04

Again, similar to the top of this tutorial, to create and run a React app you need to install Node.js in our system. Use the following command to ensure  if node.js is installed

node -v

Then, you should view the version of the node.js is installed. Otherwise, use curl to retrieve the installation files from the home directory by running the following command:

cd ~  curl -sL -o

Then, run the downloaded script with sudo:

sudo bash

In this way, the PPA will be added and the cache will be updated automatically. So, type:

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

By adding node.js and npm in the system, you can also be confirmed by running node -v to view the version of node.js in your system. Now install the create react app with the following command:

sudo npm install -g create-react-app

To check the version, run the command below:


that’s that! Now you are ready to create an app and start developing.



In this article, you have learned How To Install Axios With React On Ubuntu 20.04. You can use React to build user interfaces. In case you are interested to read more, find our article on How to Install React JS on Windows.

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Marilyn Bisson
Content Writer
Eldernode Writer
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10 thoughts on “How To Install Axios With React On Ubuntu 20.04

    1. Use the below command to view the different versions you have installed:
      nvm list
      Also, by typing the following command, you can ask NVM which versions of Node are available:
      nvm list-remote

    1. Yes, While it is one of its benefits, developers choose ReactJS because it offers a very rich JavaScript library so, they feel free to choose the way they want.

    1. Since React Covers only the UI Layers of the app and nothing else. So you still need to choose some other technologies for your project.

    1. It is a good idea because it is really it’s simple, lightweight and easy to customize. To receive support for request and response interceptors, transformers and auto-conversion to JSON, Axios is the best.

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