
How to Add mimetype to Windows servers

How to Add mimetype to Windows servers

Tutorial Add mimetype on Windows servers.

Mime is a file recognition system. MimeType is the standard way to identify content on the Internet, and it can be used to customize a variety of mime extensions for use on your website.

Each Mime format contains a type of content (MimeType) and a (sub-type) that specifies the type of data stored in the file.

Add mimetype to Windows servers

There are three ways to add a mime type:

  • 1) Click on the websites option, in the control panel.
  • 2) Click on the name of the desired website.
  • 3) Select the tab which related to mime tyoe.
  • 4) Click the Add Mime button.
  • 5) In the extention section, enter the file format and in the mimetype. section, enter its value according to the list.

Solution 2: Add via iis

  • 1) Open Iis on the server.
  • 2) Select the desired website.
  • 3) Click the Mime Type button.
  • 4) Make sure there is no corresponding mime type in the list of default mime types of iis. If not, click Add.
  • 5) Enter mimetype information.
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Solution 3: Add to webconfig

  • 1) Open the web config file for the website.
  • 2) Enter mime type information in the tag.

For Example:

<configuration>    <system.webServer>    <staticContent>    <mimeMap fileExtension=".mp4" mimeType="video/mp4" />    <mimeMap fileExtension=".m4v" mimeType="video/m4v" />    </staticContent>    </system.webServer>    </configuration>

If you have any questions or problems, you can ask the Ask system to provide guidance.

Good Luck.

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Tom Veitch
Eldernode Writer
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