
How to install VPN on Windows Server 2012

How to install VPN on Windows Server 2012

We have decided to teach you how to install VPN on Windows Server 2012 from the Windows Server training series. Before we start configuring VPN on Windows Server, let’s first look at VPN and its performance. If you wish, you can Choose your perfect Windows Virtual Private Server Packages and install Windows Server 2012 on it, then continue with the instructions.

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a set of computers that connect to a public network such as the Internet. In commercial locations, VPNs are used to communicate with remote data centers. People can use VPN to access network resources that are not physically located on a Lan (for example, you are in another country and connect to your organization with the help of VPN, and you can control all the servers). In addition, VPNs can encrypt communications.

How to install VPN on Windows Server 2012

When you connect to a VPN, you’re actually using a VPN client, and you’re using a password to connect to a VPN server on the Internet. So, you’re on a network with other people connected to that server, and you can use resources depending on your organization’s policies.

The most important thing is that your communications are encrypted with VPN.

Installing VPN on Windows Server 2012 is easy, do the following steps. This configuration is the server side. This means that in another place a VPN server is configured and you connect to it as a client.

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1. How to install roles related to Remote Access

Open Server Manager and click Manage. Then select Add Roles and Features.


Add Roles and Features in server manager


Click Next to enter the role tab:


How to add roles and features in server manager


select installation type in server manager


how to select server to add roles and features in server manager


Then select Remote Access and click Next:


select remote access in roles section


You do not need to select anything from the Features tab. Click Next:


add roles and features wizard


Click Next again:


remote access settings in server manager


Select the Direct Access and VPN (RAS):


how to select Direct access and vpn in server manager


A dialog appears that introduces features that are not present in the system. Click Add Features:


Add roles and features wizard


Install Remote Access Role. It takes a few minutes:


Install Remote Access Role in server manager


install directaccess and vpn (RAS)


2. Tutorial Installing and configuring VPN

Go back to the server management console and click Remote Access. Select your server and right-click on it. Then click Remote Access Management:


Remote Access Management


Select Run the Getting Started the Wizard as shown below:


Run the Getting Started the Wizard


Select Deploy VPN Only, here the program will start installing:


How to configure remote access to deploy vpn


Now select your server and right-click on it.

Select Configure and Enable Routing and Remote access:


Configure and Enable Routing and Remote access


A new installation guide will appear:


Routing and Remote access server setup wizard


Select Custom Configuration and click Next:


How to Configure and Enable Routing and Remote access


Just select the VPN Access option:


How to enable vpn service in server manager


Finally, complete the process and open the program:


How to complete the routing and remote access server


How to start the vpn service


Note: The router and firewall must be configured correctly to support VPN performance.

Recommended Article: How to install VPN on Windows Server 2012

3. How to enable user access for remote control

You can allow users to access Remote Access from the Active Directory settings.


Remote Access from the Active Directory settings



How to install a VPN in Windows Server 2012 is one of the most important and practical cases that was taught in this article due to the high demand of users. The complete steps of How to install roles related to Remote Access and How to enable user access for remote control were also explained in this tutorial.

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12 thoughts on “How to install VPN on Windows Server 2012

    1. Active Directory is a Microsoft directory service that runs on a Windows server and allows admins to manage permissions and access network resources. The task of Active Directory is to manage and organize a large number of users in the form of subgroups and logical groups. It also controls access to different levels.

    1. File servers on computer networks provide file systems for clients to connect to. In fact, the file server is a centralized storage location for files, and users who have permission to use and access it can use it. The file server roll allows network users to store information and access files stored on the file server, and has many uses when configuring Windows-based network servers.

    1. PAP or Password Authentication Protocol
      SPAP or Secure Password Authentication Protocol
      CHAP or Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
      MSCHAP or Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

  1. You forgot to add you need to add you need to add an IP pool if your server isn’t a dhcp and then you need to add an IP from the same range to the network adapter, and also you need to split tunneling so people don’t lose internet access upon connecting to your vpn.

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