Web Vulnerability Scanners are usually scanners that are used to find the vulnerabilities of a web, which are also known as WVS. There are many scanners for checking vulnerabilities, and Acunetix is one of them. This article will explain 4 Reasons for the Necessity of Using Acunetix. If you want to purchase your own VPS server, you can check out the packages offered on the Eldernode website.
Table of Contents
Introducing the Necessity of Using Acunetix
Acunetix is cyber security and automated web application security testing tool that uses the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. It checks for vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, Cross-site scripting, and other exploitable and audits your web applications. This scanner offers a unique and strong solution for analyzing off-the-shelf and custom web applications and scans any website that is accessible via a web browser. Generally, Acunetix provides the ability to detect over 6500 web vulnerabilities such as XXE, XSS, SSRF, and SQL Injection.
1- You can detect more and fix faster using Acunetix
If your web assets are at risk of hacking, you can use the Acunetix web security scanner which is one of the best options. Acunetix enables the detection of more cases and faster fix by providing specialized technologies. You can use AcuMonitor to detect blind vulnerabilities and AcuSensor to pinpoint the location of a security issue.
2- It can obtain more Information about the status of the Target
Acunetix covers a wide range of security standards such as OWASP Top 10, PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, among other valid security standards and regulations. This scanner has the ability to install an interface on the server side, through which it can obtain more information about the target’s status. Using this feature, the wrong detections are reduced and the target program is examined in a much more complete way. But note that the Acunetix scanner is able to fully and appropriately assess security vulnerabilities on the target program; even without any interface and only as a BlackBox.
3- Acunetix is one of the fastest Web Security Tools
Acunetix is one of the fastest web security tools because it is written in C++. This feature is important if you scan complex web applications that use a lot of Javascript code. This scanner has a unique scanning platform called SmartScan that helps you to find 80% of vulnerabilities in the first 20% of scans.
4- It is available in different versions to suit the needs of customers
Acunetix supports Windows, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Kali Linux, CentOS, and RedHat operating systems. This scanner is available in different versions to suit the needs of customers. It is a complete web application security testing solution that you can use both stand-alone and as part of complex environments.
Acunetix is a web vulnerability scanner solution offering automatic web security testing technology. In this article, we explained 4 reasons for the necessity of using Acunetix. I hope this tutorial was useful for you. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us in the Comments section.