
How To Install Burp Suite On Debian 10

How To Install Burp Suite On Debian 10

Learn how To Install Burp Suite On Debian 10 Linux step by step. Let’s know about the most popular tool that is used for penetration testing of web applications. To install this tool on your server, first, you need to choose and buy your Linux VPS package. Burp helps you to have all in one set of tools and its capabilities can be enhanced by installing add-ons that are called BApps. Since it is very easy to use Burp, you can use it as a suitable choice over free alternatives.

Burp Suite System Requirements

At least 8 GB of memory (You may need more memory than this if you are performing large amounts of work)

2- Two CPU cores

Why Burp Suite

Here are the 8 best and most useful features in the Burp suite tools as titles:

1- Using the target site map functionality

2- Crawling a web application with Burp Spider

3- Launching an automatic scan with Burp Scanner

4- Automating customized attacks with Burp Intruder

5- Manipulating and iterating web requests with Burp Repeater

6- Analysing application data randomness with Burp Sequencer

7- Decoding and encoding data with Burp Decoder

8- Comparing site maps

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Tutorial How To Install Burp Suite On Debian 10

Join us with this guide to learn how to install Burp suite on Debian 10. But first, have a look at the following initial installation and configuration steps that helps you get ready to get BurpSuite up and running:

1- Downloading And Installing Burp Suite

You may install Burp Suite Professional or Burp Suite Community Edition. Anyone has a different process. When you verified the recent ways, you can run the installer and select your desired options within the installation wizard.

2- Launch Burp Suite And Select The Startup Options

Click on the installed application shortcut to launch Burp Suite. On Linux, the shortcut is located on the path that you selected during installation. If you launch Burp Suite from the command line, you would have more control over its execution.

How To Setup Wizard

Once you Launch Burp, the startup wizard will opens and guides you through the following steps:

1- Activate your Burp license

2- Selecting a project

3- Selecting a configuration

4- Checking your display setting

Note: Some of which only need to be performed the first time you launch a new installation of Burp.

3- Start Testing Using Burp’s Preconfigured Browser

1- Use Burp’s embedded browser, which requires no additional configuration.

2- Use an external browser of your choice. For various reasons, you might not want to use Burp’s embedded browser.

4- Configure Burp Suite Against Non-Production Systems (Optional)

Please be aware that you should completely be familiar with Burp Suite functionality and settings as it may result in unexpected effects in some applications. So, before that, you should only use Burp Suite against non-production systems.

Recommended Article: How To Install Burp Suite On Debian 10

Tutorial How To Install BurpSuite On Debian

Continue with us to see how to install BurpSuite on Debian and how to set up your browser.

Note: Fresh installs require to verify that Java 8 is installed. To do this, follow the below commands:

java -version

If it is not then install it:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
download BurpSuite for free


And to continue, click on the “Download the latest version” orange button.

Download the latest version


Now, click on the green Download button.

green Download button


Then, you should save the .sh script and give it execution permissions using the below command:

chmod +x <>
And run the following command to execute the script:

As you see, a GUI installer will prompt, so press Next to continue.

GUI installer


Leave the default installation directory (/opt/BurpSuiteCommunity) unless you need a different location and press Next to continue.


Seek “Create Symlink” selected and leave the default directory and press Next.

Create Symlink


In this way, the installation process will start as it is shown below:

installation process


Click on Finish, when the process is ended.

Exit the setup


Then, select BurpSuite from your X-Window manager apps menu. ( It may exist on the category “Other”)

select BurpSuite from your X-Window


And it is time to decide if you wish to share your BurpSuite experience or not, click I Decline, or I Accept to continue.

share your BurpSuite experience


Then, leave the Temporary Project and press Next.

leave the Temporary Project


And to launch the program, you should leave use Burp defaults and press Start Burp.

launch the program


And this is the BurpSuite main screen:

BurpSuite main screen


Once the below screen displayed, on the upper right corner click on CA Certificate after opening the firefox.

CA Certificate


Now, you can download and save the certificate.

download and save the certificate


On the Firefox menu click on Preferences, then click on Privacy and Security and scroll down until you find the Certificates section, then click on View Certificates as shown below:

View Certificates


And then, you need to click on import.

click on import


Select the certificate you got previously and press Open:

Select the certificate


Click on “Trust this CA to identify websites.” and press OK.

Trust this CA to identify websites


Still, on the Firefox Preferences menu click on General in the menu located on the left side and scroll down until reaching Network Settings, then click on Settings.

Network Settings


Now, select Manual Proxy Configuration and in the HTTP Proxy field set the IP, checkmark the “Use this proxy server for all protocols”, then click OK.

proxy server


Now BurpSuite is ready to show how it can intercept traffic through it when defined as a proxy. On BurpSuite click on the Proxy tab and then on the Intercept sub-tab making sure intercept is on and visit any website from your firefox browser.

The request between the browser and the visited website will go through Burpsuite, allowing you to modify the packets as in a Man in the Middle attack.

modify the packets


Also, you can use DNS and the invisible Proxy feature to capture traffic from a system we can’t configure the proxy on.

On Debian and based Linux systems, to begin run Arpspoof you can install with through apt install dsniff. After installing with arpspoof, to capture packets from the target to the router on the console run:

sudo arpspoof -i <Interface-Device> -t <Target-IP> <Router-IP>

Then to capture packets from the router to the target run in a second terminal:

sudo arpspoof -i <Interface-Device> -t  <Router-IP> <Target-IP>

Then enable IP forwarding to prevent blocking the victim:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Next, redirect all traffic to port 80 and 443 to your device using iptables by running the commands below:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination  # sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination

please be aware that you should run BurpSuite as root, otherwise some steps like enabling new proxies on specific ports won’t work:

java -jar -Xmx4g /opt/BurpSuiteCommunity/burpsuite_community.jar  

Once you view the below warning, press OK to continue.

warning page


Then click on Proxy>Options after opening BurpSuite and click on the Add button.

Add button


Now, you need to select 80 and on Specific address select your Local network IP address:

Local network IP address


Click on the Request handling tab, checkmark Support Invisible proxying (enable only if needed) and press OK.

Support Invisible proxying


Repeat the steps above now with port 443, click on Add.

port 443


And then set the port 443 and again select your local network IP address.

set the port 443


In this step, click on Request Handling, checkmark support for invisible proxying, and press OK.

invisible proxying


Next, you need to mark all proxies as running and as invisible.

mark all proxies


And finally,  from the target device visit a website, the Intercept tab will show the capture:

visit a website


By this, you can manage to capture packets without previous proxy configuration on the target’s browser.


Conclusion (Burp Suite On Debian)

In this article, you learned How To Install Burp Suite On Debian 10. While working with Burp Suite, you would realize that there is a wide variety of things that you can do with it. In case you are interested to learn more about Debian, find our article on How To Install And Use ZSH On Debian 10 [Z shell].

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Marilyn Bisson
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Eldernode Writer
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10 thoughts on “How To Install Burp Suite On Debian 10

    1. It is, you can download Burp Suite Community Edition and its essential manual tools for free but users need to pay for some of the features. And if you need it you can upgrade from Community to Professional

    1. There is some recommended quick ways to uninstall Burp Suite that we name them in the below:
      1- via Programs and Features
      2- with its uninstaller.exe
      3- via System Restore
      4- with Antivirus
      5- Reinstall Burp Suite 1.3.03 to uninstall
      6- Use the Uninstall Command Displayed in the Registry
      7- with Third-party Uninstaller

    1. First you need to create the certificate, then you can import the CA certificate in the Burp Suite. You can go to the: 1- Tab Proxy, 2- options, 3- Click the button “Import/Export CA Certificate’’ and finally choose the ‘’Certificate and private key from PKCS#12 key store’’

    1. First, please check if you have the latest version of Java and start Burp from the command line. Attention to what the error messages and outputs are saying and use them to find the solution.

    1. It is not necessary to unzip or unpack JAR file, if your computer does not associate the .JAR file extension with some archiving software.

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