
How To Install And Run SonarQube On Centos 7

How To Install And Run SonarQube On Centos 7

Learn how To Install And Run SonarQube On Centos 7 Linux Server. Let’s learn about this most widely used tool for code coverage and analysis. SonarQube is an open-source platform tool that helps you to manage the quality of source code, code analysis, etc. Buy your own CentOS VPS 7 Server to have a real experience with this quality system development tool.

To let this tutorial work better, please consider the below Prerequisites:

1- A non-root user with sudo privileges.

2- At least 2GB of RAM to run efficiently.

3- database Mysql or PostgreSQL or Mariadb as per your environment.

4- Java (Oracle JRE 11 or OpenJDK 11)

Note: SonarQube scanners require version 8 or 11 of the JVM and the SonarQube server requires version 11. Versions beyond Java 11 are not officially supported. Also, it is able to analyze any kind of Java source files regardless of the version of Java they comply with. However, you can use the Critical Patch Update (CPU) releases.

(CPU) releases


Additionally, you can check the official document for complete information.

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SonarQube Features

Let’s see the benefits of this web-based platform that is made to measure and analyze the source code quality.

1- Detects And Alerts

2- Sustainability

3- Productivity

4- Raise Quality

5- Increase Developer Skills

6- Scale With Business Needs

7- Enable Continuous Code Quality Management

8- Define And Increment Requirements Efficiently

9- Foster Innovation

10- Reduce Risk with Vendor Support and Services

Code Quality Covering

Sonar covers the 7 sections of code quality. Have a look at them below:

1- Architecture and Design

2- Unit tests

3- Duplicated code

4- Potential bugs

5- Complex code

6- Coding standards

7- Comments

Tutorial Install And Run SonarQube On Centos 7

Continue with this guide to learn how to install a tool that is ready to fit with your existing tools to help you when the quality or security of your codebase is at risk. To start you need to systems setting for Linux.

Step 1: How To Update System

Run the below command to update the system using the root user:

yum update

Step 2: How To Disable SELinux

You need to open the SELinux configuration and edit the file:

vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux

And to continue you should change “SELINUX=enforcing” to “SELINUX=disabled”.

Now, you can save exit the file.

Step 3: How To Set hostname To The Server

vim /etc/hostname

You can install vim if you found it is not available yet. Use the following command to install it:

yum install vim -y

It is time to reboot the system:


Step 4: How To Add System Settings

First, edit “sysctl.conf” file:

vim /etc/sysctl.conf

And then, add the following lines:

vm.max_map_count=262144  fs.file-max=65536

Now, you can save and close the file.

Step 5: How To Install Oracle Java 11

In case you have not installed Oracle Java 11, Download it from here.

Oracle JAVA


It will redirect to the oracle login before you download. Consider that if you have an account, use it, or create a new one. You can also download the rpm package to your machine and upload it to the sonar server. Otherwise, act like the below paths:

First, copy the download link from web browser downloads.

copy the download link



Second, go to your server and download by typing:


Note: You can use the following command as the alternative command if the “wget” command is not available in your system to install it.

yum install wget -y

Then, rename the downloaded file.

mv jdk-11.0.5_linux-x64_bin.rpm\?AuthParam\=1573886978_5511f6acaa0b321333446e8e838c1045 jdk-11.0.5_linux-x64_bin.rpm

And finally, install Oracle JDK:

yum localinstall jdk-11.0.5_linux-x64_bin.rpm

You can find the Java location after the installation by typing:

cd /usr/java/

Next, you should add java environment variables:

vim /etc/bashrc

Add the following lines to the end of the file:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk-11.0.5/  export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk-11.0.5/jre    PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin

Now, you can check the java version and then save and exit the file.

java -version

Step 6: How To Install PostgreSQL 10

run the command below to install the repository:

yum install

Note: In case you need to see downloads for Redhat based distributions, check the

And to install the server:

yum install postgresql10-server postgresql10-contrib

To initialize the database, use:

/usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgresql-10-setup initdb

Then, modify pg_hba.conf file; change “peer” to “trust” and “idnet” to “md5”.

vim /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/pg_hba.conf

Now, you need to enable PostgreSQL on system boot to be able to start service and set on boot:

systemctl enable postgresql-10

Then, check service status and start it by typing:

systemctl status postgresql-10
systemctl start postgresql-10

Use the command below to change the default password of the Postgres user.

passwd postgres

To switch to the Postgres user:

su - postgres

To create a new user, run:

createuser sonar

And switch to PostgreSQL shell:


It is time to set a password for the newly created user for the SonarQube database:

ALTER USER sonar WITH ENCRYPTED password 'tfd3@163?Qn4';

Also, create a new database for the PostgreSQL database.


Run the command below to exit from the psql shell.


And use the following command to exit from the “postgres” user.

Recommended Article: How To Install And Run SonarQube On Centos 7

Step 7: How To Download And Configure SonarQube.

In this part, you will download the package in to “opt” directory and change the directory.

cd /opt

To download the latest version of LTS, run:


Then, unzip the below command:


Note: You can install unzip if the unzip command is not available.

yum install unzip -y

To rename folder, use:

mv sonarqube-7.9.1 sonarqube

Run the following command to modify “ file”:

vim /opt/sonarqube/conf/

Find the following lines. Then uncomment and modify values.

sonar.jdbc.username=sonar  sonar.jdbc.password=d98ffW@123?Q  sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonar  sonar.web.port=9000  sonar.web.javaOpts=-server -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

Configuring the Elasticsearch storage path:  sonar.path.temp=/var/sonarqube/temp

Now, you can save and exit the file.

Use the command below to create a user for sonar:

useradd sonar

And to set a password:

passwd sonar

To modify folder permissions:

chown -R sonar:sonar /opt/sonarqube

Then, create the following folders and grant permission:

mkdir -p /var/sonarqube/data  mkdir -p /var/sonarqube/temp
chown -R sonar:sonar /var/sonarqube

To Set up Sonarqube as a service type:

vim /etc/systemd/system/sonarqube.service

Add the following content to the file:

Unit]  Description=SonarQube service    [Service]  Type=forking  ExecStart=/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/ start  ExecStop=/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/ stop  LimitNOFILE=65536  LimitNPROC=4096  User=sonar  Group=sonar  Restart=on-failure    [Install]

To reload “systemctl” daemon and enable sonar on system boot, type:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable sonarqube.service

And to start service and check its status, run:

systemctl start sonarqube.service
systemctl status sonarqube.service

Next, to logfile location run:

cd /opt/sonarqube/logs/

SonarQube service log

tail -f /opt/sonarqube/logs/sonar.log

Web Server Logs

tail -f /opt/sonarqube/logs/web.log

ElasticSearch logs

tail -f /opt/sonarqube/logs/es.log

Compute Engine logs

tail -f /opt/sonarqube/logs/ce.log

Step 8: How To configure the reverse proxy

In this part, you need to install Nginx, start service, and enable on system boot.

yum install -y nginx
systemctl start nginx  systemctl enable nginx

step 9: How To Configure SSL

Use the commands below to enable Epel repo and install certbot.

yum install – y epel-release
yum install certbot python2-certbot-nginx

In the following, the below command helps you to get a certificate and have Certbot edit your Nginx configuration automatically to serve it, turning on HTTPS access in a single step.

certbot --nginx

Then, add needed details according to that when the command asks.

Once the installation is finished, open nginx.conf.

vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Once you see the certbot SSL configuration, add the following contents to a Location Blocks.

location / {    proxy_pass "";  proxy_http_version 1.1;  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;  proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';  proxy_set_header Host $host;  proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;    }    

Now, you can save and exit the file.

Type the following command to check Nginx:

nginx -t

Then, restart it:

systemctl restart nginx

Step 10: DNS

In this step, you need to go to your DNS manager and add a record for your sonar server.

A   Domain Name   Server IP

Step 11: How To modify Firewall Rules

You are ready to use the commands below to open HTTPS traffic, If you have the firewall enabled:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --reload

Type the following command to open sonar for specific IP:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule='  rule family="ipv4"  source address=""  port protocol="tcp" port="443" accept'
firewall-cmd --reload

Step 12: How To Browse Sonarqube

To do this, you need to go to your browser and type your domain name and then click “login.”


rowse Sonarqube


Step 13: How To Login To SonarQube

The default username and password is “admin”.

Login To SonarQube


You see the Dashboard page below:



In this article, you learned how To Install And Run Sonarqube On Centos 7. From now on you are able to reliably track your codebase health. Let it start to code quality analysis that makes your code more reliable and more readable. In case you are interested in reading more, find our article on How To Install And Configure Wazuh On Centos 7.

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Tom Veitch
Eldernode Writer
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