
How to Install Amanda Backup Server on Centos 7

How to Install Amanda Backup Server on Centos 7

Amanda stands for Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver. It is an open source computer archiving tool that can back up data from multiple computers on a network. Amanda uses the client-server model. As the server contacts each client to make a backup at a scheduled time. In this article, we try to learn you How to Install Amanda Backup Server on Centos 7. You can buy CentOS VPS server from the packages available in Eldernode.

Tutorial Install Amanda Backup Server on Centos 7

Amanda Backup Server is one of the most popular open source backup and archiving software in the world. This tool allows system administrators to back up a server and be able to back up multiple hosts on a tape, disk, or cloud-based storage system. Amanda uses native archiving tools and can back up a large number of workstations and servers running different versions of operating systems. Join us to learn how to install Amanda Backup Server on Centos 7.

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How to prepare dependencies to install Amanda Backup Server

Before installing Amanda Backup Server, you need to install its dependencies. Follow these steps to prepare all the required dependencies before installation. In the first step, you need to enter SSH with the user with the admin privilege.

After you have successfully logged in, you must update the packages using the following command:

sudo yum update

After executing the above command, if you receive an error message stating Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo, you can use the following command to fix it:

sudo dhclient

It should be noted that executing the above command creates a file in /etc/resolv.conf.

In this step, you need to install wget to fetch the installation packages using the following command:

yum install wget -y

After you have installed wget, you need to run the following command to install the required requirements:

yum install glib* xinetd perl-Data-Dumper perl-Encode-Locale perl-JSON perl-URI-Escape perl-XML-Simple

Install Amanda Backup Server on Centos 7

Dependencies must be installed before installing Amanda backup server. Now that you have successfully completed this step, it is time to install Amanda backup server on CentOS 7.

In the first step, you must log in to the server with the admin privilege as a user in SSH. Then you must use the following command to download the installation package:


After downloading the installation package, you must run it using the following command:

sudo rpm -ivh amanda-backup_server-3.5.1-1.rhel7.x86_64.rpm

Finally, in the last step, you must reload the xinetd file using the following command:

service xinetd reload


Amanda Backup Server is software used to back up servers. In other words, it is a controller for a network-connected storage system for backup. This tool supports tape and disk based backup. It should also be noted that Amanda Backup Server provides some useful features that are not available in other backup products. Amanda Backup Server is available both as a free community edition and fully supported enterprise edition. In this article, we tried to teach you how to install Amanda Backup Server on CentOS 7.

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