Learn how to Configure Bower on ubuntu 20 ubuntu 18 Linux step by step. Due to the increasing growth of the web and the evolution of its programming, the need for tools to automatically install, update, and manage libraries and peripherals used in projects is increasingly felt. Bower is one of the tools introduced to help with this. Bower is a package manager for client-side technologies. It also has the ability to install, search and delete Javascript, HTML, CSS libraries. In this article, we are trying to teach you how to configure Bower on ubuntu 20 ubuntu 18. You can see the packages available in Eldernode to purchase the Ubuntu VPS server.
Table of Contents
What are the benefits of Bower?
1. Install tools and libraries with one command line!
2. Instead of tracking the version of libraries on different sites and checking for updates or not, use Bower to do so in the shortest possible time.
3. Offline installation: When a library is installed for the first time, it will be cached and the next time it will use the cache to install the same library and of course the same version, unless the user has explicitly emptied the cache.
4. Install dependent libraries: If a library is dependent on other libraries (such as Twitter Bootstrap dependency on jQuery), dependencies will be installed automatically.
Before installing Bower, the Nodejs and Git tools must be installed on the system.
How to install Node.JS on Ubuntu 20 & Ubuntu 18
Before installing Bower, you must first install Node.JS. Install Node.JS on Ubuntu 20 or 18 using the following commands:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs
Check the Node.JS and NPM versions using the following commands to make sure they are installed correctly:
node --version
npm --version
How to install Bower on ubuntu 20 ubuntu 18
After you have successfully installed node.js and npm on Ubuntu, now is the time to install Bower using the following command:
sudo npm install -g bower
After executing the above command, Bower will be successfully installed on your Ubuntu system. You can find out the Bower version using the following command:
bower --version 1.8.8
Tutorial configure Bower on ubuntu 20 ubuntu 18
Finally, you can modify the Dir configuration permissions using the following command:
sudo chown -R $ (whoami): $ (whoami) ~ / .config
You can use the following commands to learn more about Bower:
bower [] []
cache Manage bower cache
help Display help information about Bower
home Opens a package homepage into your favorite browser
info Info of a particular package
init Interactively create a bower.json file
install Install a package locally
link Symlink a package folder
list List local packages – and possible updates
login Authenticate with GitHub and store credentials
lookup Look up a single package URL by name
prune Removes local extraneous packages
register Register a package
search Search for packages by name
update Update a local package
uninstall Remove a local package
unregister Remove a package from the registry
version Bump a package version
-f, –force Makes various commands more forceful
-j, –json Output consumable JSON
-l, –loglevel What level of logs to report
-o, –offline Do not hit the network
-q, –quiet Only output important information
-s, –silent Do not output anything, besides errors
-V, –verbose Makes output more verbose
–allow-root Allows running commands as root
-v, –version Output Bower version
–no-color Disable colors
See bower help for more information on a specific command.
Bower is a client-side management tool with which you can easily install a variety of HTML, CSS, Javascript libraries or any framework on your project with a short command. In Bower, you can have any tool with a short command line. You can easily upgrade the tools you added with this package manager or upgrade to higher versions. After installing libraries and other tools, you will not need an internet connection next time. Bower does the caching steps and you can have the libraries you want offline. In this article, we tried to teach you how to install and configure Bower on Ubuntu 18 and 20.