
The Clever Guide on Install MATLAB on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

How To Install Matlab On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

If you’re an aspiring programmer or a data enthusiast, MATLAB is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools you can have in your arsenal. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the clever steps to install MATLAB on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, ensuring a smooth and successful installation. A basic analysis would suggest that investing in a top-notch Linux VPS with VIP assistance is highly cost-effective. Begin this guide by selecting your desired Ubuntu VPS package.

How to Install Matlab On Ubuntu 20.04

Before you begin:

1. Ensure that you have a working Ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating system installed.

2. To set up, follow our Initial server setup on Ubuntu 20.04.

3. Make sure you have a MATLAB installation file ready. You can obtain this from the official MathWorks website.

21 Step to Install Matlab On Ubuntu VPS

As the MATLAB application is based on the MATLAB programming language, the primary usage within this application is the “Command Window.” This window serves as an interactive mathematical shell where users can execute MATLAB code stored in text files. We will now guide you through the steps outlined in this article, which will help you become proficient in installing MATLAB on Ubuntu 20.04.

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Step 1:

Once again, it is advisable to access the most recent MATLAB installation package from its official Matlab website. Choose Linux and let it be downloaded.

Download Matlab latest version


Then, you would find the MATLAB installation package within your Downloads directory.

Step 2:

Clearly, once you download a package, you need to unzip it. Execute the command below from within your Download directory. Also, you can update the name of the package if it is needed.

mkdir matlab
unzip -q -d matlab


Step 3: 

In this step, the installation would begin. create an installation destination directory

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b/

Then, you should begin the installation by navigating to the Matlab directory and running the commands below:

cd matlab
sudo ./install


Step 4:

As shown below, in this step you should select your preferred installation method. Choose log in if you do not have the File installation key.


Installation Method


Step 5:

Accept the terms of the License agreements to pass this step.


Matlab License Agreement


Step 6:

At this point, it asks you to create a MathWorks Account or provide your existing Login credentials.


create a MathWorks Account


Step 7: 

Now, select your MATLAB License.


select your MATLAB License


Step 8:

Again, leave the /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b/ for the destination of your Matlab install.


choose installation folder


Step 9:

It is time to select the products you need to install.


select the products to install


Step 10:

Now, select Create symbolic links to Matlab scripts. The destination directory should still be the default /user/local/bin.


Matlab scripts


Recommended Article: The Clever Guide on Install MATLAB on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


Step 11:

As shown below, you will view the Matlab installation summary.


Matlab installation summary


Step 12:

By reaching this point, you see the Matlab installation progress. Just wait till the end.


Matlab installation progress

Step 13:

Next, activate your Matlab installation as you see below.

activate your Matlab installation

Step 14:

Activate the product, click on Next, and go on.

Step 15:

And, once you press the Confirm button, the Matlab installation will be activated.

Activate Matlab installation

Step 16:

Again, once you press the Finish button, the Matlab installation will be ended.


Activation is complete

Step 17:

From now on, to consider an easy Matlab application start, you can create a shortcut launcher. Run the following Linux commands since you are still in the Terminal.

sudo wget -qO /usr/share/icons/matlab.png
sudo wget -qO /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop

You can use your favorite text editor and edit /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop to see what version of Matlab is running.


Step 18:

If you search for this keyword in your activities menu, you will be able to find Matlab and start it by simply clicking on its icon.


Start 19:

When the page below is visible, it indicates that Matlab is beginning to start.

Matlab is starting

Step 20:

You’re done! The installation of Matlab on Ubuntu 20.04 was successful.


Final installation step

Step 21:

Lastly, delete both the Matlab installation file and the temporary directory.

rm ~/Downloads/
rm -fr ~/Downloads/matlab    

Congratulations! You’ve now successfully installed MATLAB on your Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system. Prepare to take your programming and data analysis skills to the next level with this powerful tool!

Note: Remember to consult the official MATLAB documentation for any specific requirements or troubleshooting during the installation process.

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Tom Veitch
Eldernode Writer
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