
Tutorial Setup JetBackup on Directadmin


Are you looking for a tool to backup your servers? We recommend JetBackup. With this tool, you can make a complete backup of your user account. In this article, we will introduce JetBackup and you will learn How to Setup JetBackup on Directadmin. You can visit the packages offered on Eldernode website and choose one of them to purchase a VPS server.

Securely Backup Your Data with JetBackup on Directadmin

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What is JetBackup?

JetBackup is one of the best tools for backup in Directadmin. Using JetBackup, you can perform backups locally and remotely with speed and efficiency. This backup solution offers the most possible settings.

Mechanism of JetBackup

JetBackup works by providing necessary tools to backup various options such as Files, Emails, DNS Zones, CronJobs, Databases and database users, SSL certificates, FTP accounts.

Features of JetBackup

1–> Providing the final user interface in Directadmin.

2–> Extensive programming with various retentions.

3–> Filters to delete file or folder.

4–> Custom hook support.

5–> Hybrid backup.

6–> Account filters.

System Requirements for Installing JetBackup on DirectAdmin

–> CentOS / RHEL / Oracle Linux: Version 7,8 and 64-bit

–> CloudLinux: Version 7,8 and 64-bit

–> AlmaLinux: Version 8 and 64-bit

–> Ubuntu (LTS): Version 18.04, 20.04 and 64-bit

–> Debian: Version 9,10,11 and 64-bit

Setup JetBackup on Directadmin

Before starting the installation, first Install the JetApps repository. Then login to your server as the root user and run the following command in your terminal to install the appropriate JetApps repository package:

bash <(curl -LSs

Then Install JetBackup using the command below:

jetapps --install jetbackup5-directadmin stable

How to Update JetBackup on DirectAdmin

You can Update JetBackup as the root user with the following command:

jetapps -u jetbackup5-directadmin

To Enable automatic updates, use the following command:

jetapps -p jetbackup5-directadmin yes

Getting JetBackup License

Your license will be registered and activated after installing JetBackup with your server’s public IP. If the server is moved or replaced, the license must be reissued through the license provider. If you have purchased your license directly through JetApps, first login to your JetApps client, go to Services –> My Services from the top menu, select JetBackup and Click the View Details button.

In the Management Actions section, click Reissue License. Then enter your IP on the license verification site to confirm that your license is active.

Now you can access JetBackup via the GUI to reissue the license using the new server details.

To validate your license by JetBackup, run the following command from your server’s CLI as the root user:

/usr/bin/jetbackup5 --license

How to Uninstall JetBackup on DirectAdmin

If you do not need JetBackup anymore, run the following command to Uninstall JetBackup from your server:

jetapps --remove jetbackup5-directadmin

To completely Remove all JetBackup packages, follow the steps below as the root user.

Remove JetBackup from CentOS, AlmaLinux, RHEL, CloudLinux:

yum remove jetapps-repo

Remove JetBackup from Debian and Ubuntu:

apt-get remove jetapps-repo
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Well, we finished the JetBackup tutorial. We reviewed that JetBackup is one of the useful tools for data backup and has unique features. You also learned How to Setup JetBackup on Directadmin and how to get JetBackup license.

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Tom Veitch
Eldernode Writer
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